Lockdown Browser Download Mac

  1. Lockdown Browser Download Macbook

LockDown Browser is a custom browser preventing students from going to other URLs, switching applications, taking screenshots, copying questions or printing during an assessment. If an instructor has created an assessment using LockDown Browser, students will not be able to access the assessment with a standard web browser. Students may use a personal computer. Run the installation file and follow the instructions. To install LockDown Browser on Mac OS X 10.6 or later: 1. Download the Mac OS X 10.6 or later installation file. Double-click the downloaded zip file to extract the package file. Run the extracted package file. Learn more about the LockDown Browser in our Instructor and Student Help. 2) Start the Browser To start LockDown Browser, locate the “LockDown Browser” icon on the desktop and double-click it. (Mac users can find it in their Applications folder.) Alternatively, Windows users can go to “Start', locate 'All Programs,” select “Respondus,” and click “Respondus LockDown Browser.”. If you are being asked to take a test using Respondus Lockdown Browser, with or without Monitor, you will need to download the program before you take your test. Allow at least 15 minutes to download and install the Respondus program, or plan to. If you are being asked to take a test using Respondus Lockdown Browser, with or without Monitor, you will need to download the program before you take your test. Allow at least 15 minutes to download and install the Respondus program, or plan to do it a day or two before you take the test.

If you are being asked to take a test using Respondus Lockdown Browser, with or without Monitor, you will need to download the program before you take your test. Allow at least 15 minutes to download and install the Respondus program, or plan to do it a day or two before you take the test. Mac: macOS 10.12 to 10.15 iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. Windows 10S is not a compatible operating system, nor can LockDown Browser be obtained via the Windows App Store. At present, support for Windows 10 S Mode isn’t on the roadmap for LockDown Browser. iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS.

Operating Systems and Browsers

Don't know your operating system version? Here's how to find it: Windows | Mac

Lockdown Browser Download Mac

Don't know your browser version? Find out here

Pearson Lockdown Browser Check

Respondus lockdown browser webcam mac download

Respondus Lockdown Browser Download

To download the latest versions of these browsers, visit their websites:
ChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerSafari

Lockdown Browser

Operating systemsbrowsers


Windows 10
(Will be supported Jan. 1 2016)

Edge 12 or newer
Firefox 40 or newer
Chrome 46 or newer

Windows 7, 8, and 8.1

Internet Explorer 11
Firefox 40 or newer
Chrome 46 or newer

Mac OS

OS X 10.11 - El Capitan

Safari 9
Firefox 40 or newer
Chrome 46 or newer

OS X 10.10 - Yosemite

Safari 8 and 9
Firefox 40 or newer
Chrome 46 or newer

OS X 10.9 - Mavericks

Safari 7 and 9
Firefox 40 or newer
Chrome 46 or newer

Lockdown Browser Download Macbook