Adding DoD certificates to your Mac Presented by: Timothy Solberg and Michael J. Danberry Last Review: 07 October 2015 Adding these certificates are “normally” not needed, however, if you are using CITRIX on your Mac or your new CAC has a CA of 27-32, you may need these for your computer to communicate with some websites. How to use your CAC with Windows 10 How to use your CAC with Mac OS Commercial Virtual Remote which utilizes Microsoft Teams, now has a self help page.If you have recently upgraded to Mac OS Catalina (10.15.x), then you need to follow this. This means that you’re going to need to download a CAC Card Enabler. Installing the S/MIME Certificate on your Apple Mac Using S/MIME Client Certificates with Apple Mail and Outlook for OS X. You can use Client Certificates, also called 'S/MIME Certs' or 'Personal Certificates', with most e-mail clients to digitally sign or encrypt e-mail. This is a quick video of the procedure on how to install the CAC certificates required to connect your Military ID card to a compatible CAC Reader.It was ori. Download the DoD Root CA 3 cert here: DoD Root CA 3. Click Allow to download configuration profile. Go to Settings General Profiles and Device Management and tap on DoD Root CA 3. Tap Install and enter your passcode if asked. Tap Install 2x to install certificate. Tap Done on top right.
Military Cac Reader Mac
The steps for configuring Client side SSL (CSSL) for a SecureAuth appliance setup to validate CAC or PIV Cards
- Download root/intermediate DOD certificates.
- Install certificates as administrator.
- Verify installation of certificates into local computers cert store (not users)
Installing DOD Certificates
When SecureAuth prompts for a CAC or PIV certificate your webserver is actually matching the client side SSL certificates with the certificates that are installed on your SecureAuth appliance. In order to check these client side certificates we need to install the root and intermediate certificates on the appliance. If you have a specific set of root and intermediate certificates you can install them, if you do not this is the process to install the DOD root and intermediate certificates on the SecureAuth appliance.
1. Open the browser on the server and navigate's download section HERE
2. Download'InstallRoot 3.13.1a from MilitaryCAC'
3. You might be prompted to add to your trusted sites to complete the download
4. Click 'Open' so that the file automatically launches
5. Right-click 'InstallRoot_v3.13.1A' and select 'Run as administrator'
6. At the security warning click 'Yes'
7. Accept the security warning if prompted
How To Install Cac Reader On Mac
Verify the DOD Certificates were properly installed
1. Click the start menu/SecureAuth/Tools and select 'Certificates Console'
2. Navigate to 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' and ensure you have the DOD Root CA certificate installed
3. Navigate to 'Intermediate Certificate Authorities' and ensure the intermediate certs are there